Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bead Ruckus #6 Reveal

Well it is finally here....
The Bead Ruckus #6 Reveal.
My first reveal since joining.
Epic Fail on my part.
With my health issues and other things going on.
I dropped the ball and created a piece for each item
instead of creating one piece using all the supplies.

I now have it embedded in my brain 
and will not screw up next time :)

Here is a pic of what I created.

All of my items are up in my etsy.

Here is the link for the reveal....

Thanks for stopping by.
Have a great week.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Focus on Life: Week 34 "Add Something"

This week, Sally at The Studio Sublime asked us to 
"Add Something"
to our photos.
Since this week I spent a lot of time with my 
I decided to create this little shot.

What I did was add a old photo look to it
and then did an outline with some blue for 
my 4 grandsons.
I like playing around in PSP XIII
and this gave me a chance to use some filters I would not 
normally use.

Hope you have a great weekend!

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Znetshows Giveaway Winner

Back in July Znetshows blog was hosting a giveaway.
So of course after joining them in 
Artisan Whimsy's 5 x 5 challenge I had to get in this giveaway.
I love their products 
and who does not love to win free beads??
I am not quite sure how many prize packs they had, but I 
ended up winning two of them.
Imagine my surprise when I found out.
H A P P Y!!!!

Here are the prizes that were sent to me :)

Prize Pack 1

Prize Pack 2

Both together.
I have no idea why my camera came up with a blue background
I think it is just time to buy a new one!
Anyhow, I want to thank Znetshows for the giveaway and 
for the wonderful prize packs that were sent to me.
I am going to try to find some time to create and 
will show you all what I come up with :)

Have a beautifully blessed day.

Update & Ramblings All in One.

I know I have been MIA for a bit.
I have been sick for about 4 weeks.
I thought it was the stomach flu but turns out my 
gall bladder is the culprit.
But I am going to do my best to make sure I blog more.
I do miss it.

Anyhow I found this cute little ditty on one of my fav blogs
a thought I should give it a try.

Making :  more time for my loved ones.
Cooking :  not as much as I would like.
Drinking :  Hot tea on a Hot day.
Reading:  is not something I can get into these days.
Wanting:  to get out of this town.
Looking:  forward to the future.
Playing:  with my grandsons.
Wasting: time with the wrong one.
Sewing:  underwear.
Wishing:  for that beach get away.
Enjoying:  every day as much as I can.
Waiting: for the right time to make my move.
Liking: my new outlook
Wondering: if he will EVER get it.
Loving: my kids and grand babies.
Hoping: for that one love.
Marveling: at the wonders of life.
Needing: love.
Smelling: tea.
Wearing: a smile.
Following: my own drum.
Noticing: life is full of many surprises.
Knowing:  I can not help those who won't help themselves.
Thinking: about the one who left me.
Feeling: hopeful
Bookmarking: maybe blog pages
Opening: my mouth as much as possible
Giggling: not as much as I would like.

Well there you have it.
I have some photos of some goodies I have been working on.
& a few blog hops that I have joined are coming up.
So stay tuned :)
Have a beautifully blessed day!!