Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Link Challenge..... The Reveal

It is finally here.... Reveal day.
I have been ready for weeks && am glad I finally get to show what I came
up with.
To get everyone up to date on what we were to do,
Peggy from The Charm Barn
sent us 20 links.
Some of us got black and some a tortoise color.
I got black.

Here is what I came up with

I first wanted to come up with some type of pendant.  So I wire wrap a piece of sea glass and then used one of the links to be used to attach to either some ribbon or whatever you would chose.

After I made this.

 I wanted to make a bracelet but not have it connect like the links were meant to.So I grabbed some black wire and decided to add the green beads & this is what I came up with.  I made a clasp outta the links and with some wrapped wire.
Here is another shot of the bracelet.

Here is a list of the other blogs who have joined in the fun...
Make sure to go to The Charm Barn to vote for your favs.
(Because my son was attack by a dog, I was late posting this, so my entries will not be

Shelley Graham Turner  -  www.shelleygrahamturner.blogspot.com

Miranda Ackerley - http://mirandack.com

Me<<   Mischelle Fanucchi  - http://micheladasmusings.blogspot.com/ 

Denielle Hagerman  - www.somebeadsandotherthings.com

Janeen Sorensen  -  http://wildvanilladesigns.com/

Audrey Bélanger  -  http://esperianterra.blogspot.com/--  

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Thirft Shop Blog Hop Reveal Day

My moment of Truth

     I have been nervous for this day for some time now.  My very first blog hop.... What if I don't use the right beads?  What if I don't have everything I need to complete my vision?  What if what I create sucks?  I guess maybe questions all newbies ask themselves. One thing I did know is I needed to get my thinking out of the neg and just jump in and start.  I knew I wanted to take the necklaces and turn them into bracelets. (my fav piece of jewelry)  I also wanted to do a stackable bracelet, but was not sure what type.  So here is what I came up with:

I did one bracelet with the memory wire, I used some seed beads I had as well as some butterfly beads. The larger 
seed beads are from one of the necklaces & then used the tiger eye & button from the other necklace.

The other bracelet I used the pretty much both of the same seed beads, but used the larger tiger eye beads I had with the smaller ones from the necklace.

Finally I also made some earrings from the glass beads that were on the one necklace.

I had so many beads left over that I wanted to do one more piece, but with the two birthdays of my grandsons Marik and Joshua, I just couldn't swing it this time.  I really enjoyed doing my first blog hop.  I hope that when my second one comes around (in a couple of weeks) that my work has progressed.  You guys are watching me from the very beginning.. lol

Here is a list of the other participants of the 
Thrift Store Blog Hop::

 Dyanne - http://deelitefuljewelrycreations.blogspot.com

Have a blessed day everyone!